If you want to convert an exchange mailbox in .msg format then you require a converter tool, use this tool to perform the conversion process easily download the software and watch the working steps which is given below.
Firstly download Exchange EDB to MSG Converter Tool and Run the Software on the local machine. To use this tool just follow the working steps i.e. given below.
Step 1 - 7 : Download Exchange EDB to MSG Converter, Run the tool and Home page of software will be opened like this click on Open button.
Step 2 - 7 : Select the EDB file by clicking on Brows button. If you want to run the software in Quick Scan mode click on OK button otherwise check Advance Scan mode for deep scanning then hit on OK.
Step 3 - 7 : Next screen will show the complete analysis of entire exchange database.
Step 4 - 7 : Software will list the all mailbox in left pane, you can view and select the particular mailbox to view all item and then click on MSG button from menu bar.
Step 5 - 7 : Select a particular location where you want to save the converted file. If you want to make new folder just click on Make New Folder and then hit on OK.
Step 6 - 7 : Software will generate a progress report like Pending, In Process or Pending operations.
Step 7 - 7 : At the end software will generate a successful message in new pop up window just click on OK button to complete the conversion process.