When Exchange Setup 2007 asks to you that you have any pre-installed Outlook and you click on No button then exchange shows an error and to resolve this error you need to create a new public folder in exchange 2007. In this article I am going to explain what you have to do when exchange reflects error while configuring the exchange 2007 then you have to create a new public folder database in exchange 2007 and it can be done by using exchange management console as well as exchange management shell so in this article I am explaining both the way you can use any one from both way to create public folder in exchange.
If a public folder is not created when exchange 2007 is performing installation then you need to create a new folder database in exchange to resolve the exchange error. In this situate exchange does not create a public folder store but it is necessary to support the legacy client support in the newly created exchange environment. To create new public folder in database in exchange 2007 follow the steps given below.
Note: - - If your organization contains one public folder database then you cannot use Local Continuous Replication (LCR) or Standby Continuous Replication (SCR). If your organization have more than one public folder then Microsoft recommends that not to use the cluster continuous replication. Here LCR, SCR and Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) are the type of storage group replication in exchange server environment. You cannot combine public folder replication and storage group replication due to which LCR and SCR is available for public folder database only when if there is no public folder database in the organization.
EMC stands for Exchange Management Shell and is use to manage the exchange server environment and to perform various task like create new user mailbox, mount mailbox, create new user, delete existing user and many more option to do, follow the steps given below to create a new public folder database in exchange 2007.
Before creating the new folder you need to assign the Exchange Administrator permission, Use the New-PublicFolderDatabse cmdlet to create new folder database. As new folder is created you need to specify the server on which you want to create the folder and provide the path of new folder database otherwise it will use a default location which is given bellow.
Public Folder Database and FileName: -
<installation location>\V14\Mailbox\<database name>\<database name>.edb
Public Folder Database File Path: -
<installation location>\V14\Mailbox\<database name>
Note: - By default public folder databases are dismounted so you need to mount the database after completion of process.
In this article I have tried to explain term to create a new folder database in exchange 2007 by using either exchange management console or exchange management shell. I hope this article will be helpful for you.