Exchange Administrator have to perform a frequent task to remove the public folder from exchange database and he can use either Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell (PowerShell Commands). To know complete step read the complete article, Exchange public folder stores entire publically shared data and many time the exchange public folder consist garbage data and it affects the processing of exchange server so it is necessary to remove the public folder database from exchange server.
Removing a public folder database requires several steps to be performed and you need to ensure various aspects fulfills before starting remove public folder from exchange server. The exchange administrator need to specify whether he is removing last public folder database in your organization or removing a public folder from exchange server.
Remove Last Public Folder Database from the Organization: - Before start removing last public folder you need to first ensure that your organization does not contain any servers running exchange server 2003 or its earlier version and then remove the last public folder database.
Remove the Public Folder Database from Exchange Server: - You need to move the data in the public folder first and the move the public folder database to another server database and after it use PowerShell command or GUI base navigation using management console.
Perform the sequence of instruction given below to remove a new public folder database, simply perform the operation based on GUI based exchange management console panel.
Note: - You need to move public folder database folder replica to another server if you have not done so then it will display an error describing that the public folder database cannot removed because it contains public folder replicas and the default location of public folder database is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\Mailbox\<storage group name>\<public folder database name>.
Exchange management shell is a scripting language which is used to automate the exchange task but keep in mind that execution of command requires attention while executing the commands.